Tag Archives: eggs

recipe : what i eat for lunch almost every day

let’s be real: very few people have time to think long and hard about every meal they cook. oh, and then, of course, cook it. i try to cook most of my meals in-house so that i eat the hoards of vegetables that i keep in the fridge, which sometimes leaves my options pretty limited. i find myself saying the same thing to myself nearing every breakfast and lunch:

*opens fridge* “hm…gots me some vegetables…and 6 dozen eggs…and some butter.”

awesome. I could make a huge omelet? instead, I usually opt for something a little less overwhelming for my belly.

-my lunch-

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cholesterol / eggs

Sept 10, 2010

an egg is a whole food. a few years ago, cholesterol was demonized by doctors and a whole slew of expert medical professionals. eggs contain cholesterol. therefore, many believe that eating high quantities of eggs will lead to heart disease caused by high cholesterol.

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